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= Committees and appointments =
= Committees and appointments =
Vice President, AFT-MA Executive Board - Maty Cropley (BPLPSA MLSA Local 4928, AFT-MA)
ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee Privacy Subcommittee - T.J. Lamanna
ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee Privacy Subcommittee - T.J. Lamanna
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ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee Working Group On Facial Recognition - T.J. Lamanna, Alison Macrina, Maty Cropley
ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee Working Group On Facial Recognition - T.J. Lamanna, Alison Macrina, Maty Cropley
Boston Public Library Professional Staff Assoc. (Past-President, Nov. 2022) - Maty Cropley
Boston Public Library Professional Staff Assoc. (Vice-President) - Maty Cropley
Connecticut Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee (Chair) - Sam Lee
Connecticut Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee (Chair) - Sam Lee
Georgia First Amendment Foundation - John Mack Freeman (Board of Directors)
Georgia Library Association - Intellectual Freedom Committee - Bel Outwater, John Mack Freeman (chair)
Georgia Library Association - Intellectual Freedom Committee - Bel Outwater, John Mack Freeman (chair)
Georgia Library Association - John Mack Freeman (2023 Vice President, 2024 President)
IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) - Jonathan Hernandez Perez
IFLA Committee on Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) - Jonathan Hernandez Perez
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Maryland Library Association - Intellectual Freedom Panel (Chair) - Sara Brown
Maryland Library Association - Intellectual Freedom Panel (Chair) - Sara Brown
Massachusetts Library Association - Andrea Puglisi (Executive Board Member, Library Information Technology Section Chair)
Massachusetts Library Association - Andrea Puglisi (Executive Board Member, Public Relations Co-Chair)
Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners - Andrea Puglisi (Public Relations Advisory Committee [2022-2024 appointment])
New England Library Association - Jennifer Bruneau (Executive Board Member, NELLS/Leadership Chair)
New England Library Association - Andrea Puglisi (Intellectual Freedom Co-Chair)
New Hampshire Library Association - Leigh Ann Hamel (Intellectual Freedom Chair)
New Hampshire Library Association - Leigh Ann Hamel (Intellectual Freedom Chair)
North Dakota Library Association - Abby Ebach (Executive Board Member)
Oregon Library Association - Intellectual Freedom Committee - Ellie Avis
Oregon Library Association - Intellectual Freedom Committee - Ellie Avis
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= Talks =  
= Talks =  
== '''2023''' ==
Maty Cropley. "101 Ways to Watch: Surveillance Devices in Policing and Retail." Boston Public Library Teen Volunteer Program. February 27.
John Mack Freeman. "Emerging trends in intellectual freedom." Azalea Regional Library System (Georgia).
John Mack Freeman. "Anti-wokeness and the First Amendment: The meaning of free speech for schools and libraries" Georgia Bar, Media, and Judiciary Conference. Atlanta, GA. February 24.
Ray Pun. "Data Ethics & Privacy in Academic Libraries." University of Delaware Library. March 30.
Maty Cropley. "Bridging the Gap: Youth Outreach through School Library Deposit Collections." Massachusetts Library Association Annual Conference. March 9.
Lyn Hunter, Bryan Neil Jones, Alex Sharp. "[https://codeberg.org/librarianbryan/bb-rpg Banned Books: The Roleplaying Game]." Tennessee Library Association Conference. April 11.
Sam Lee, Megan Shanholtz, Andrea Puglisi. "Library Services and a Democracy in Crisis." Fair Housing & Civil Rights Annual Conference. April 12.
Ray Pun. "Putting Privacy First: A Presentation Focusing on Vendor Privacy Audit." Academic Librarians' Interest Group North (ALIGN) Conference. April 21.
Maria Rios, Andrea Puglisi, Viktorya Vilk. "Online Abuse Self-Defense with PEN America & Library Freedom Project." Massachusetts Library Association Annual Conference. May 8.
Megan Kinney - Favorite Lecture Series: Libraries & Privacy. City College of SF. September 27.
Andrea Puglisi. "Online Harassment Prevention Strategies for Library Workers." Western Massachusetts Library Advocates Annual Meeting. October 26.
John Mack Freeman. "Emerging Trends in Intellectual Freedom." Athens Regional Library Staff Day Keynote (GA). November 15.
== '''2022''' ==
Frank Skornia - Security Mindset Workshop, Winter Workshop IF. January 26. CT Library Association
Sam Lee - Anti-Doxing, Winter Workshop IF. January 26. CT Library Association
Sam Lee - Where We Live (WNPR). February 7. https://www.ctpublic.org/show/where-we-live/2022-02-07/connecticut-librarians-brace-for-tsunami-of-book-challenges
Alison Macrina - Privacy training for librarians at Lawrence Public Library, Lawrence KS. February 11.
Sam Buechler - Data Privacy: Ethics in Everyday Life. North Idaho College. February 16.
Alison Macrina - Library Freedom Project: Practicing library ethics through community. For University of Rhode Island's GSLIS Voices for Information Equity Series. February 24.
Sam Lee - Conversations with IFC (NELA). March 8, 2022. (virtual)
John Mack Freeman - Intellectual Freedom, Public Libraries, and Contemporary Issues. March 26, 2022: Georgia Library Association Public Library Division.
John Mack Freeman and Tess Wilson - Promoting Reliable Health Information at the Public Library. March 30, 2022: Computers in Libraries, virtual
John Mack Freeman - Deepfakes, Synthetic Media, and Libraries: An Evolving Issue. March 31, 2022: Computers in Libraries, virtual
Sam Lee - Social Justice Round Table (CT Library Consortium). March 31, 2022. (virtual)
Callan Bignoli - Solidarity As Strategic Plan, March 2022, LibraryJournal Social Emotional Librarianship workshop program (virtual)
Alison Macrina - Intellectual freedom and social justice. Delaware Library Association. April 7.
Andrea Puglisi, Jenn Bruneau & all. - Digital Privacy: A Conversation on Health Privacy and Tools. Massachusetts Library System. April 13.
Bryan Neil Jones - [https://librarianbryan.gitlab.io/crt-wiiwiib/ Critical Race Theory: What Is It and Why Is It Banned in Tennessee Schools.] Tennessee Library Association. April 13.
Alison Macrina - Privacy talk for Maryland Library Director's meeting. April 14.
Alison Macrina - Intellectual freedom and social justice. California Library Association. April 21.
Reanna Esmail - Teaching Algorithmic Literacy to Promote Critical Information Engagement. Information Literacy Summit. April 29. (Virtual)
Andrea Puglisi, Callan Bignoli, Claire Lobdell & all. Digital Privacy: A Conversation on Data and Human Rights. Massachusetts Library System. May 4.
Sam Lee - So You're Expecting a Challenge for Doing Your Job. Connecticut Library Association Conference. May 4.
Sam Lee - Responding to LGBTQ+ Challenges and Support. Connecticut Library Association Conference. May 4.
Alison Macrina - Vendor agreements and policies. Maryland Library Association conference. May 5.
Bryan Neil Jones - Privacy + OpSec Basics for Libraries. Tennessee State Library and Archives' Public Library Management Institute. May 24.
Andrea Puglisi, Callan Bignoli, Jenn Bruneau, et al. Protecting Digital Privacy for Your Library & Community, Massachusetts Library Association Annual Conference. May 24.
John Mack Freeman, Alison Macrina, Marisol Moreno Ortiz - From Blank Page to Policy: Writing Privacy Policies for Your Library. ALA Annual Conference
Sam Lee - Stowe Salon: Teaching Race History and Reading Banned Books, Conversations on Intellectual Freedom. Harriet Beecher Stowe Center. June 23
Reanna Esmail - Intellectual Freedom, Privacy Rights, and the Critical Practice of Librarianship (Keynote Lecture). Minnesota Library Association. October 27.
Andrea Puglisi & Maria Rios - Protect Yourself: Digital Safety Tips for Library Workers. New England Library Association Annual Conference. October 24.
John Mack Freeman - Emerging Trends in Intellectual Freedom. Georgia Library Conference. October 14.
Andrea Puglisi. Digital Safety for Library Workers: Prevention strategies & removing personal data from internet directories. Massachusetts Library Association. November 3.
== '''2021''' ==
== '''2021''' ==
Callan Bignoli - Troublesome Tech Trends - ALA Midwinter, CORE Top Tech Trends
John Mack Freeman - Deepfakes and the Evolving Disinformation Landscape - ALA Midwinter, CORE Top Tech Trends
John Mack Freeman - Deepfakes and the Evolving Disinformation Landscape - ALA Midwinter, CORE Top Tech Trends
Callan Bignoli - Troublesome Tech Trends - New England Library Association Information Technology Section Event
Leigh Ann Hamel - Online Privacy Without Tears - A Train the Trainer Workshop, February 18th, 2021, for the Paralibrarian Section of the New Hampshire Library Association
Leigh Ann Hamel - Online Privacy Without Tears - A Train the Trainer Workshop, February 18th, 2021, for the Paralibrarian Section of the New Hampshire Library Association
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Kelly McElroy -- Protecting Academic Freedom in the Managed University, April 23, 2021, University of Washington Association of American University Professors
Alison Macrina -- talk for Progressive Librarians Guild, student chapter, April 26, 2021, University of Minnesota
Alison Macrina -- talk for Progressive Librarians Guild, student chapter, April 26, 2021, University of Minnesota
Callan Bignoli - EdTech and the Surveillance State: Looking at Student Privacy in Higher Education - Cal Poly Pomona Choose Privacy Week
Callan Bignoli & TJ Lamanna - Troublesome Tech Trends - Massachusetts Library Association Annual Conference
Chloe Horsma -- "Beyond Finstas: Thinking about Youth & Privacy", May 7, 2021, University of Washington iSchool Virtual iYouth Conference.
Chloe Horsma -- "Beyond Finstas: Thinking about Youth & Privacy", May 7, 2021, University of Washington iSchool Virtual iYouth Conference.
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Callan Bignoli & TJ Lamanna - Practical Privacy for Library Advocates: Developing a Security Mindset in Uncertain Times - ALA Annual Conference (pre-recorded)
Maty Cropley -- All Staff Teen Services Conference, June 18th, 2021. Boston Public Library. (First all-staff conference on teen library services).
Maty Cropley -- All Staff Teen Services Conference, June 18th, 2021. Boston Public Library. (First all-staff conference on teen library services).
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John Mack Freeman -- Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: Definitions and Attempts at Reform, ALA Annual Conference Top Tech Trends (pre-recorded)
John Mack Freeman -- Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act: Definitions and Attempts at Reform, ALA Annual Conference Top Tech Trends (pre-recorded)
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Sam Lee -- Intellectual Freedom 101, October 12, 2021, Black Caucus ALA (CT)
Sam Lee -- Intellectual Freedom 101, October 12, 2021, Black Caucus ALA (CT)
Megan Wong - It Shouldn't Be That Hard: An Everyday Privacy Tool for All Info Workers, Future of Libraries 2021: Caring, Engaged, and Equitable, October 6 & 7, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4pMN7W7CyA
Andrea Puglisi. "Let’s Talk Intellectual Freedom & Social Justice", 18 October, 2021, New England Library Association Annual Conference.
Callan Bignoli -- Libraries: Public Ambassadors for Technology,  October 2021, A BETTER TECH Conference
Jennifer Bruneau -- Advocating for Local Budgets, October 2021 New England Library Association Annual Conference.
-John Mack Freeman (and several non LFP members) - Responding to Censorship Requests, Georgia Library Association
== '''2020''' ==
== '''2020''' ==
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Kimberly Trinh-Sy, Julia Wiswell, Bel Outwater -- "Privacy vs Convenience: The Online Battle for Your Information". ALA Annual.
Kimberly Trinh-Sy, Julia Wiswell, Bel Outwater -- "Privacy vs Convenience: The Online Battle for Your Information". ALA Annual.
Callan Bignoli & Alison Macrina -- "Libraries under a Pandemic: Counternarratives to Reopening and The Protect Library Workers Petition". Panel presentation, Connecticut State Library Social Justice Roundtable, June 9, 2020.
Callan Bignoli -- "Libraries under a Pandemic: Counternarratives to Reopening and The Protect Library Workers Petition". Panel presentation, Connecticut State Library Social Justice Roundtable, June 9, 2020.
Callan Bignoli and TJ Lamanna -- "Troublesome Tech Trends: Bridging the Learning Divide, Library Information Technology Association [LITA], June 17, 2020.
Callan Bignoli and TJ Lamanna -- "Troublesome Tech Trends: Bridging the Learning Divide, Library Information Technology Association [LITA], June 17, 2020.
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Josh Stone -- "Threat Modeling: Understanding Your Risks and Privacy Needs." November 13, 2018. SEFLIN Webinar
Josh Stone -- "Threat Modeling: Understanding Your Risks and Privacy Needs." November 13, 2018. SEFLIN Webinar
= Publications =
== 2022 ==
Anderson, K.E. (2022), “Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: understanding, preparing for and responding to online harassment”, Library Hi Tech News, 39(2),6-10. https://doi.org/10.1108/LHTN-06-2021-0042. Open Access Link: https://go.rutgers.edu/harassment
Anderson, K.E. (2022), Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: protecting patron privacy, Library Hi Tech News, 39(10), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/LHTN-10-2022-0113. Open Access Link: https://go.rutgers.edu/patron_privacy
== 2021 ==
Bignoli, C., Buechler, S., Caldwell, D., & McElroy, K. (2021). Resisting Crisis Surveillance Capitalism in Academic Libraries. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 7, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.33137/cjalrcbu.v7.36450.
== 2020 and before ==
Anderson, K.E. (2020).  “Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: privacy during pandemic and protest”, Library Hi Tech News, 37(10), 5-10. https://doi.org/10.1108/LHTN-10-2020-0093  Open Access Link: https://go.rutgers.edu/privacy_pandemic

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