Breakout session topic
Breakout session 1
Continuing the censorship convo about social media, legislation, anti-DEI/anti-woke (Category: Intellectual freedom, censorship, and attacks on libraries)
Facilitator name: Cassandra Taylor
Breakout session 1
Info activism in library work and beyond (Category: Activism and organizing tools)
Facilitator name: Jennie Rose Halperin
Breakout session 1
LFP priorities and strategic plan implementation. Will also be a good intro to the org convo for new folks. (Category: LFP stuff)
Facilitator: Alison Macrina
Breakout session 2
Powermapping: a tool used to understand who has power in our communities and workplaces, and how we can move them on the issues we care about (Category: Activism and organizing tools)
Facilitator: Ariel Hahn
Breakout session 2
Talking coworkers through privacy fears & into radicalization -- e.g. if people at work are hesitant to take a stance on Palestine (Category: Palestine and Category: Privacy and surveillance)
Facilitator name: jaime ding
Breakout session 2
Student and other activist safety, anti-doxxing and anti-harassment (Category: Privacy and surveillance)
Facilitator name: Leigh Ann
Breakout session 3
Coalition building with other advocacy and activist groups, including those in the library world (Category: Activism and organizing tools)
Facilitator: Aileen Haggerty
Breakout session 3
Teaching privacy and tech literacy in a library environment using a critical/abolitionist/social justice lens (Category: Privacy and surveillance)
Facilitator name: Carolyn Bennett Glauda
Breakout session 3
Palestine in libraries and out in the world, covering censorship, anti-Palestinian racism, different forms of repression regarding occupied Palestine (Category: Palestine)
Facilitator name: Maggie Schreiner
Breakout session 4
Prison library services and increased censorship/surveillance of info access inside (Category: Intellectual freedom, censorship, and attacks on libraries)
Facilitator name: lawrence
Breakout session 4
AI, algorithmic literacy, and libraries (Category: Privacy and surveillance)
Facilitator name: Reanna Esmail
Breakout session 4
Burnout, vocational awe, and choosing your battles (Category: Taking care of ourselves and each other)
Facilitator name: Liz Davis
Breakout session 5
Data security during protests (Category: Privacy and surveillance)
Facilitator: Tess Wilson
Breakout session 5
Research and scholarship in library work (Category: General library stuff)
Facilitator name: Shanna Hollich
Breakout session 5
Community-centered approaches to library work (Category: Taking care of ourselves and each other)
Facilitator: Jennie Garner and Sam Helmick
Breakout session 6
Library safety without cops (Category: General library stuff (doesn't easily fit in other categories))
Facilitator: Nikki
Breakout session 6
Making state/local/regional support networks and building sustainable communities of care (Category: Taking care of ourselves and each other)
Facilitator name: Esther
Breakout session 6
Library vendors and their discontents: privacy, big data, vendors being bought by private equity, consolidating into huge companies, etc (Category: Library vendors)
Facilitator name: Frans Albarillo
Breakout session 6
Getting IMLS funding support for your great ideas
Facilitator name: James Neal