Main Page/Governance

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LFP governance documents

Mission and core values


LFP Membership Policy


Voting procedures

Most decisions in LFP happen via rough consensus. When deciding on bigger things like organizational endorsements, or if a member (plus a second) asks that a decision be put to a vote, we use the following voting structure.

Voting takes place on the main LFP listserv. Someone introduces a subject to be voted on, and there are two weeks for discussion and consensus building. This time period can be extended with an LFP member and a second asking for more time. After the discussion period has completed, there is one week for voting, and a form for voting is distributed to the group. Here is a template for voting that we should adapt for our own use:

Votes take place using a "Fist to Five" voting method.

Fist to Five is accomplished by raising hands as in voting, with the number of fingers raised that indicates level of agreement.

  • A fist means, "Block"
  • 1 finger means, “I see major problems with this that must be resolved before I would go along."
  • 2 fingers means “I see minor problems that need to be resolved before I go along.”
  • 3 fingers means, “I see minor problems that can be resolved later.”
  • 4 fingers means, “I am fine with this.”
  • 5 fingers means, “I fully support and would champion this.”

Measures will pass when the majority of respondents vote between 3 and 5. Any 0 votes mean that a measure will not proceed. Any 1-2 votes mean that more discussion is needed.

There is also a caveat that if you block or postpone a decision (0, 1, or 2) you must provide reasonable solutions or alternatives. This might not be as relevant for simple yes/no decisions, but I think it is handy for more complex ones.

Non-votes will be recorded as absentions.

Results of past votes

Non-profit materials

LFP style guide